jeudi 12 août 2021


 Don't allow yourself to think you are forever bound by karma. Deny it. Whether your karma is good or bad, don't accept any karmic limitation. You have to have good karma to destroy bad karma. Then rise above them both.

Give your karma to God. He will help you if you ask Him to. It isn't that we should seek special privileges, but if we have faith in God, all things are possible. It is His grace that counts, and that grace comes when we do our part to behave like children of God. Whenever you see you are not able to control your pains and troubles, keep trying. If you don't try, you will never get anywhere. Never yield to pain and trouble. Every time something gets you down, get up again and say, "I am all right now." The minute you admit you can't do it, it is over. You have given the verdict that you are bound by karma. You are the judge. It doesn't matter what your troubles are. If you say, "I am all right," you can overcome. But if you say, "I can't do it," you remain jailed behind the prison bars of your karma. If you recognize a mistake and resolutely determine not to make it again, then even if you fall, that fall will be very much less than if you had never tried. You will see in time that you are a master of yourself, and free from karma, even as God is. 
Paramahansa Yogananda 
The Divine Romance

N'acceptez pas de croire que vous êtes limité par le karma pour toujours . Qu'il soit bon ou mauvais n'acceptez aucune limitation karmique . Vous devez avoir un bon karma pour annuler le mauvais karma . Puis dépassez les deux . 

Donnez votre karma à Dieu . Il vous aidera si vous le lui demandez . Ce n'est pas que nous devrions attendre des privilèges spéciaux mais avec la foi TOUT EST POSSIBLE ......

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