Michael is enduring a health crisis at the moment and could benefit from our support and Light |
Michael Robbins Commentaries on the books by Alice A Bailey and Djwhal Khul
As a long-standing teacher of the Ageless Wisdom through the study of the Seven Rays, Esoteric Astrology, Cosmology, and Rayology, Michael Robbins, Ph.D. has inspired students worldwide, some of whom have gone on to form their own organizations to continue the spread of the Ageless Wisdom. Michael is the author of Tapestry of the Gods (two volumes on Rayology–with other subjects also listed in the Tapestry Series), Infinitization of Selfhood (a philosophical treatise on the nature of Essential Identity), On the Monad (and e-book), The Egoic Lotus (an e-Book). Michael’s esoteric astrological writings and commentaries can also be found on www.makara.us and YouTube.
My friend Mickael Robbins the king of the 7 RAYS whom I met 35 years ago, who did and does so much to speed the Tibetan Master's teachings .
Recover fast elder star brother . you are cherished and held in light all over the world
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