mardi 3 septembre 2024

Humblement il est venu / Humbly he came

Humbly he came
Nobody knew his name
He was so poorly dressed
Looking for a place to rest
Because his feet was bare
They didn't really care

Humbly he came
Nobody knew his name
The words he said were good
But no one understood
Though some of them received
So very few believed

Humbly he came
Nobody knew his name
Just asked for wine and bread
Somewhere to lay his head
But he asked for so much more
From the rich and from the poor

So humbly he came
His leaving was the same
Like a ship without a crew
A stranger passing through
He left the way he came
Nobody cried his name

Humbly he came
And never came again
It happened long ago
Now they would not let him go
Women wear their nicest dress
As for a much awaited guest

Children call him by his name
Invite him to their game
Men keep a glass of wine
To celebrate that time
They will feast and sing and then
They will love and love and love again

Humbly he came
Nobody knew his name
Humbly he came
And never came again

BUT HE WILL, so let's prepare the path ! 

 Humblement, Il est venu
On ne l'a pas reconnu
Il était mal habillé
Il n'avait pas de souliers
Parce qu'Il était pieds nus
On ne l'a pas reconnu

Humblement, Il est venu
Comme s'Il tombait des nues
Il disait des mots très doux
On ne comprenait pas tout
Mais personne n'y a cru
De ceux qui l'ont entendu

Humblement, Il est venu
Demander la bienvenue
Demander du pain, du vin
Et un lit jusqu'au matin
Il ne voulait rien de plus
Il n'a pourtant rien reçu

Humblement, Il est venu
Humblement, a disparu
Ce n'était qu'un étranger
Que pouvait-Il bien chercher ?
Ce n'était qu'un inconnu
On ne l'a pas retenu

Ça fait deux mille ans ou plus
Qu'il n'est jamais reparu
Mais on s'en souvient pourtant
Et tout le monde l'attend

Les filles pour le recevoir
Se font belles chaque soir 
Les enfants parlent de Lui
Comme on parle d'un ami

Les hommes, eux, ne disent rien
Mais lui gardent un verre de vin
Il viendra le boire un jour
À la joie et à l'amour

La, la, la, la, la... 

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