Pas de "bone fire " @ L'Ann Moor this year
Although it is less celebrated these days, the midsummer festival used to be an important occasion in Ireland, going back many centuries, far into ancient times. Even as lately as fifty years ago half the streets in Ireland would have their own bonfire, or more properly bone fire, since the Irish word for “bonfire” is tine cnaimh. The bones of animals were cast into the fires, which were usually of hot-burning gorse, as offerings to the spirits.
The old people used to call it Oíche Fhéil Eoin or Oíche Tine Seán, the Night of John's Fire. Before Christianity came to Ireland, the first midsummer fire was lit on Howth Hill, and the moment the flame appeared in the darkness a great shout went up from the watchers on all the surrounding hilltops, where other fires were quickly kindled until soon the whole country was in a blaze, flames of fire springing like magic from hill to hill.
People gathered around the fires to dance and sing, roasting potatoes, praying and reciting poetry, while young men proved their bravery by leaping through the flames and walking through the fields carrying lit torches before casting them into the fire to protect the crops from disease, misfortune and the sidhe.
Celui ci brûlait à Errislanan hier soir, avec ou sans os ?
Une photo de Michael Taylor .
On avait le même rituel quand j'étais enfant en Bretagne. Il y a avait plusieurs feux, ce soir là, dans la rue principale de Pluméliau (Morbihan) et je me souviens parfaitement de mon père qui devait avoir 30 ans, 32 ans sautant élégamment par dessus les flammes. Cela me rendait fière. Et des parties de palets qui se poursuivaient tard entre les différents brasiers.
Bonne fête à tous les Jean.
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