mercredi 10 juillet 2024


God thought and said : "Now I would like to create someone who would have such a great open heart that she wouldn't even need full arms because her heart would embrace the whole world" . Then He decided to create beautiful Maïna. When He was shaping her,  He said : "This beautiful soul in fact doesn't need full legs either as she is an angel and had the wings of wisdom to move on . "

That angel was born on sept 7th in 1975.  Heavily handicapped  but always joyful, she lived happily  in the Khagendra New Life Center part of the  Népal Disabled Association in Jorpati in Kathmandu where we visited her often before she died in her early thirties. 

Au Népal, Marine Pierre et moi avions rencontré la jeune Maïna , gravement handicapée,  protégée de Merce G. amie de Richard L. Je retrouve en rangeant des papiers ce message que je lui avais laissé  sur sa table de nuit  pour la réconforter à l'automne 2000

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